Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Almighty God,
I am loved with everlasting love,
clothed in eternal righteousness,
my peace flowing like a river,
my comforts many and large,
my joy lively with a knowledge of salvation,
my sense of justification unclouded.
I have scarce anything to pray for;
Jesus smiles upon my soul as a ray of heaven
and my supplications are swallowed up in praise.
If Jesus were not my righteousness and redemption,
I would sink into nethermost hell
by my misdoings, shortcomings, unbelief, unlove;
If Jesus were not by the power of His Spirit my sanctification,
there is no sin I should not commit.
O when shall I have His mind!
when shall I be conformed to His image?
All the good things of life are less than nothing
when compared with His love.
All the treasures of a million worlds could not make me richer,
happier, more contented,
for His unsearchable riches are mine.
One moment of communion with Him, one view of His grace,
is ineffable, inestimable.
But O God, I could not long after Thy presence
if I did not know the sweetness of it;
And such I could not know except by Thy Spirit in my heart,
not love Thee at all unless Thou did
love me, call me, adopt me, save me.
I bless Thee for the covenant of grace.

-This is from The Valley of Vision

It's a collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions. Amanda Lee gave it to me for my birthday. She had two copies and read from both so she gave me one. I love that she underlined and made notes in it and it's already warn. It's a treasure. There's something really awesome about reading through a book that's already been read through and marked up. It's humbling to see a glimpse into another heart that is in love with Jesus.

I know I haven't been posting much lately. I took a lil break but I'll be back soon. Hope you're all enjoying the new fall weather!

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