“Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” – Jim Elliot
“In the same way, so many Christians are childish – in the back seat, whining and complaining to the Father: “Are we there yet? Why aren’t we there? What’s going on?” And the Father says, “My son, my daughter, can you be quiet and enjoy the ride? I’m doing good things in your life. Can you stop worrying and just enjoy My company? Can you open your eyes to where you are and see the beauty of where I have you right now?” God wants you to enjoy the ride. And He Himself is the destination anyway. So there’s no sense in asking, “Are we there yet?” because if we are with Him, we’re there.” – Britt Merrick
-Amy Kappen posted both these quotes on the Kappen's blog. They are currently in Shell, Equator. Matt, her husband, is a doctor there (experiencing some crazy things) and Amy was a nurse back in the States but is a full-time mom for there two little girls in Equator.
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