Thursday, August 12, 2010

I've been in bed since Monday with this thing called Labyrinthitis. It causes me to feel like I'm constantly on a roller coaster accept I don't get to throw my hands up, feel the wind in my hair, and scream with the other passengers. Praise the Lord! Prayers are powerful and what was diagnosed to last 2 weeks only lasted 4 days! I have been so overwhelmed with the love that my friends and family poured into me these 4 days. I was that sheep that the Shepherd made to "be still"and I am so thankful that He did. Every possible thing that Satan meant for bad, God turned into good. It is not only after the storm passes that He works everything together for good, it is in the very midst of the storm. Praise the Lord that in every moment we can say "no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly"Ps. 84:11. And it is the Lord who holds my hand and makes me stand. We serve a God who walks through every moment with us, sustaining, providing, anointing, protecting, teaching, correcting.
I feel as if my strength is renewed! I am reminded that it is not by my strength but His alone. "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts" Zech 4:6.
I feel like leaping for joy! He's been filling me up so much and I am bursting at the seams! Like a sponge I must completely squeeze out every drop of water so I can be filled again. If I keep the water to myself it will cause the sponge to mold and it will no longer be useful. We're all sponges soakin' and sqeezin' while the Father pours out the pure water of the Spirit on us. If we look down we will see that seeds have been planted and a harvest is beginning to grow.
"What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops" Matt 10:27.

1 comment:

  1. Bri! I absolutely LOVE this blog and cant believe I have pretty much just discovered it. I love everything about you and am so thankful God created you exactly as you are. This Matthew 10 verse has really spoken to me so thank you thank you thank you for continuing to write! Keep on truckin giiirl
